My autobiographical work reveals personal struggles and hurt. It speaks about emotional pain that I feel I have suffered from during my childhood. It also reveals the order of my upbringing and childhood mixed with my chaotic, irrational life today and coming to terms with the emotions in my head.
My world is not one of order and rationality, but rather the struggle between the surreal chaos of my escapism into my self-created world. It is derived from my subconscious.
All my work is inspired through my triptych 'Three Monarchs for Crucifixion'.
Hurt I, 2013,
Oil on board, 60 x 60 cm
Private Collection
Hurt II, 2013,
Oil on board, 60 x 60 cm
Hurt III, 2013,
Oil on board, 60 x 60 cm
Hurt IV, 2013,
Oil on board, 60 x 60 cm
Hurt V, 2013,
Oil on board, 60 x 60 cm
Hurt VI, 2013,
Oil on board, 60 x 60 cm
Hurt VII, 2013,
Oil on board, 60 x 60 cm
‘Oorskiet’, 2013,
Oil on board, 60 x 60 cm
Suffering, 2013,
Wire and plastic,
60 x 72 x 28 cm
Execution, 2013,
Wire and plastic,
58 x 90 x 54 cm
What the World Gave Me, 2013,
Oil on board, 60 x 120 cm
Private Collection
Three Monarchs for Crucixixion (I), 2013,
Oil on board,
84.5 x 120 cm
Three Monarchs for Crucixixion (II), 2013,
Oil on board,
84.5 x 120 cm
Three Monarchs for Crucixixion (III), 2013,
Oil on board,
84.5 x 120 cm